Our Story

When asked to share my story on how our business came to be, I get very emotional. It started from a place of discomfort. For most of my life, I didn’t have much confidence at all but when I had my second child it was worse than it had ever been. I was so unhappy with how my body looked so I started doing research on how to make my own stretch mark body butter. This was how Love Your Body was created. It diminished my stretch marks, lightened the skin that had stretched and made me feel a little better.

But it was then I realized there was something more than this one product. I genuinely loved making the product but the entire process was such a beautiful experience for me. I decided to continue learning and experimenting with different ingredients and created a few more products. All of which were created for someone I knew who needed it. I have spent the past 4 years learning about ingredients, sourcing and formulating and we are now here with this beautiful brand that I am so proud to call mine.

JusMia was inspired by my two wonderful children Justin and Mia, hence our name JusMia.

They inspired this brand in more ways than one.

Giving birth to both of them made me realize that I needed to take care of myself in order to properly take care of them. It made me realize that by being so disconnected with myself I was not showing them how to be confident in who they are and they are truly some wonderful children <3. We put so much focus on what the world tells us is “beautiful and healthy” that we don’t focus on what that means to us. What it means to truly be confident and in love with yourself, in love with your body!

Having children makes you appreciate the quiet as much as you appreciate the noise. It makes you understand what someone else needs to thrive. It’s time you did the same for yourself! It’s time to take care of you.

Our goal is to provide you with products that make you feel great, both inside and out. It is to provide you with the time (or excuse lol) to take a few moments for yourself. Take a few moments of self-care that will help you give yourself time to understand who you are and what makes you bloom!

We want you to find your inner peace, for that is where you will find self-love.

So get ready to indulge in the products we have created with so much love to help you love your body, from head to toe, inside and out. You deserve it!

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Melissa, Juan, Justin & Mia